It is normal for all OFWs to bring some "pasalubong" to our colleagues. My officemate just came from vacation and gave one box of Oolong tea. I was curious about this tea because this is the first time I heard about this tea, especially the name. I'm only familiar with green tea, black tea, yellow tea, and white tea. So I searched in google and found out that this tea is the combination of green tea and black tea. Therefore the health benefits are doubled because the combined qualities of green and black tea.
According to health experts Oolong tea is used to sharpen thinking skills and improve mental alertness, reduces obesity and stress. It is also used to prevent cancer, osteoporosis, heart disease, protects against tooth decay and functions as an antioxidant. But there are also negative effects of drinking oolong tea. It should be consumed in moderation because oolong tea has a very high content of caffeine. I will try to drink oolong tea and check if there will be some effects to my health.