Friday, July 23, 2010

The Great Priceless Gift

I've just talked to my father and mother yesteday.  It was an emotional conversation indeed.  I know well what's going on.  It's very hard to explain but this is a moment that my father and mother are experiencing the most difficult times of their lives.  I considered this day a depressing moment in my life.  The sadness in me was very painful, I cannot explain it.  I pray to God that he takes care of my father and mother as I am miles away from them.  My mother told me as she hold back her tears that we can overcome these trials as God will provide us the strength to accept the reality of life no matter how painful it is.

Our parents are the great priceless gift given by God to everyone of us.  In this world there is someone who always think of us, who never tries to hurt us, who tries to sacrifice all their happiness, who tries to complete all our wishes.  Mom and Dad, I love you very much. For all these years I am humbled by your kindness and greatness as parents to us.  I know wherever you are, God will take care for both of you.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Climate Change

It's almost eight days now that very high humidity and very hot temperature is the weather condition in our area at Al-Khobar and Dammam.  It's very difficult to go outside even at night because you will perspire a lot even on a very short walk. Eighteen years I had been here in the Kingdom and I believed this is the worst I had experienced so far, due maybe of the climate change and global warming. There are some e-mails going on that temperature here in Saudi Arabia will reach as high as 70 degrees celsius in the coming months. I'm praying that this kind of weather temperature will not reach that high.  I hope God will do something to ease our sufferings from this worst condition so far.  Prayers, prayers.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Picture of the Day

I was fascinated by this figurine displayed along a photoshop center at King Khalid Street, Al-Khobar.  Without a second thought I asked the sales clerk how much it cost.  The price you guess can buy me a pair of Nike shoes and a pair of Nike socks.  Nevertheless I got this feeling that this ornamental figurine fish made of jade stone can give me some relief from stress and luck, so I decided to buy it.  Wonders of wonders, when I turned off the lights during nightime in my room, the figurine will create a luminous light.  I was lucky enough to have bought this stuff.  It's so relieving watching them at night, making my sleep stress free and peaceful.

Friday, July 02, 2010

After Lunch

Nice to have a snapshot after lunch. Me and my best friend had a grand time relaxing after lunch from the cafeteria. Photo was taken by our good friend Marvin who just bought his 14 megapixel Canon digital camera.