With Michael Jackson's demised, among his songs I will never forget is "Gone Too Soon", a song actually dedicated to Ryan White, a young victim of AIDS whom Michael befriended. Upon hearing the song, tears will always come from my eyes. It is very solemn and meaningful. The song's message and meaning is very clear. It makes me believe that we should respect the length of time we have to make for the rest of our lives. Allow me to publish the lyrics of the song. It is only fitting to dedicate this song to a legend and an icon, that is Michael Jackson.
May you rest in peace, Michael!
Gone Too Soon
(Michael Jackson)
Like A Comet
Blazing 'Cross The Evening Sky
Gone Too Soon
Like A Rainbow
Fading In The Twinkling Of An Eye
Gone Too Soon
Shiny And Sparkly
And Splendidly Bright
Here One Day
Gone One Night
Like The Loss Of Sunlight
On A Cloudy Afternoon
Gone Too Soon
Like A Castle
Built Upon A Sandy Beach
Gone Too Soon
Like A Perfect Flower
That Is Just Beyond Your Reach
Gone Too Soon
Born To Amuse, To Inspire, To Delight
Here One Day
Gone One Night
Like A Sunset
Dying With The Rising Of The Moon
Gone Too Soon
Gone Too Soon