In my life, there's always be me
A person of songs and vast tranquility
In my life, there's always be melody
A person of joy and God fearing eternally
In my life, there's always be somber
A person and human, born to make mistakes
In my life, there's always be my mother
A person of great love, in need she'll be there
In my life, I always try to be humble
To reach others hand, and prove to be gentle
In my life, there's my brothers and sisters
My benovelent concern for the good of another
In my life, there's always be tears
Tears of gaiety, and tears of sadness
In my life, God is within me
Who guides my way perfect and directs my eternity
In my life, I always wish peace would reign
So the world will be in harmony and not to live in vain.